About Us


The American Foundation™ is a 501(c)(3), nonpartisan, nonsectarian public charity dedicated to increasing philanthropy. We have the same public charity status as churches, youth organizations, and universities.

We achieve our charitable mission by helping individuals, families, and corporations create family and corporate foundation accounts that give financial support to their favorite charities.

We strive to make the entire process of philanthropy easy and rewarding by providing simple procedures, ongoing education and a great amount of donor direction.

Contributions made to The American Foundation and it’s affiliated foundations, The American Foundation for Charitable Support, The American Foundation of Utah, and the USA Foundation for your family foundation account are deductible at the highest “public charity” level.

You, too, can become a philanthropist! It’s simple to do, and you don’t have to be a millionaire. What’s more, family foundation planning can help you achieve significant financial and tax benefits. The links to the left of this page will take you to more information about The American Foundation.